Google Creates Video "Vending" Machine Online
- by Jim Edwards
© Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved
It's really no secret that search giant, Google.com, wants
to own the gateway to all media online.
They operate the Web's most popular search engine,
largest free blogging service, and one of the largest news
services online.
Recently, Google started offering video from their website.
Google's video offerings so far, comprised mostly of
documentaries, news, and daytime talk TV programs,
represented a testing device to get the kinks out of their
video delivery and search system.
Now, thanks to widespread availability of high-speed
Internet access, inexpensive desktop video editing, and the
emergence of portable video players, Google is steadily
ramping up what will surely become the Web's first video
"vending" machine.
Log on to Video.Google.com and search a limited number of
available TV shows.
Curiously, most do not allow you to play video, only to see
still screen shots of the show and read a transcript taken
from closed captioning for the hearing impaired.
However, based on the fact that Google recently started
accepting video submissions through their website, this
format is about to change drastically.
Originally, speculation about Google's new video service
centered squarely on video "blogging, " where online
pundits would share their thoughts in video rather than
written form.
However, after releasing more details, it appears that
Google maintains much grander plans for online video than
just allowing people with a camcorder to rant and rave.
Currently Google is in the "gathering" stage. This means
they are accepting video submissions from content providers
with very few restrictions.
Basically, Google says they want original content, no porn
or offensive content, and they want it in a very specific
video format (mpeg2 or mpeg4 with MP3 codec).
Other than that, the sky is literally the limit. For
specifics, log on to https://upload.video.google.com/ and
click the "Find out more" link.
Right now it appears that Google decided to gather as much
content as possible before offering any of it to the
public, so you currently can't view any videos.
Google also states that they will allow content providers
to either charge for their videos or allow viewers to watch
them for free.
Google states they will collect the money, take a small
fee, and pay the content provider. This alone should excite
anyone who sells content online because the barrier to
entry (high-speed servers, video delivery, credit card
processing, customer service) just got a lot lower.
Plus, it's a safe bet that Google will find a way to
integrate revenue producing videos into their pay-per-click
Combine all this with the recent emergence of truly
portable digital video players (Sony PSP, Creative Lab's
Zen Media Center), and beginning of video-on-demand through
the Internet just arrived. Now this doesn't mean growing
pains won't occur.
The biggest drawback to searching for and finding online
video is that each video file must have a text transcript
associated with it in order to get properly indexed by a
search engine.
In the beginning, this will slow the production of new
Despite these and other growing pains, plan on Google
opening up the first and largest video "vending" machine
online within 12 months.
Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the
creator of an amazing course that will teach you step-by-
step and click-by-click how to finally create your own
money-making mini-sites...
"Finally! A Quick and Easy Way For YOU to Painlessly Set
Up Your OWN Moneymaking 'Mini' Websites... Without
Being a Computer Geek, Buying Expensive Software, or
Paying Outrageous Fees To A Webmaster!"
Click Here => http://www.MiniSiteCreator.com
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
5 Key Ingredients of Business Success
========= FEATURED ARTICLE ========== Many people focus too much on the money part and neglect other important ingredients of a successful business. Here's the list of key ingredients for business success: In business, our objective is to make money. Period. But the question is how productively you convert your time into money. Are you making full use of your time or you just let the time pass by you? at converting time to money. If you are already productive, then you may want to ask what are the things you can do to improve further the ratio of dollar/second? If you are making $0.01/second, what you can do to make it $0.02/second? Or even more. Remember time is the most valuable asset and once it's gone, it's gone. Also time is also the fairest distribution of resources every human being receives. have people connections. I mean the right people. People consist of customers, suppliers, partners, staff, and associates. or coach. Having genuine mentors or coaches is very important and it can make a very big difference in your business. business, and you are looking for a coach, I might be able to help. Drop me an email at http://www.abelcheng.com/contact serve people well. Organize your database of people connections. By simply knowing who does what, who supplies what, who needs what, where to get what make you miles ahead of other people. To organize your connections, you can either use a paper folder or computer spreadsheet. knowledge and skills, I am not referring to academic knowledge that you find in schools or colleges. What's more important to you is knowledge and skills that can bring you results you want. become business owners and have made tones of money? That shows getting the right knowledge and skills is important. Don't blindly go after knowledge that could drown you. Go for knowledge and skills that are universally tested and proven. to get what from who, money making trends, marketing strategies, art of dealing with people, negotiation skills, selling skills, skills of managing and growing money, investment skills, universal laws of success, and more. Don't waste time on unnecessary knowledge as I went through that before. There's only so much that you need to know and learn. Be sharp and focus when you acquire knowledge and skills. Don't follow what normal people do. important ingredient of all. How can you run a business without a healthy body? In order to maintain an optimum health, you have to provide your body with proper nutrients and sufficient exercise. And also don't forget about emotional well being. Don't let anger and other negative emotions control you. come into play. Maintaining your body is just like maintaining your car. If you send your car to workshop for regular service and pump petrol regularly, why don't you do the same for your body? It's something for you to think about. Don't be stingy over spending money for your own health because physical and mental health can cause you a lot of money in the long run if your body is not taken care of properly. money even you need a little. But you might not need a lot of money to start a business because there are many ways to start one with low capital. something in order to for you to get something. The law of sowing and reaping is at work. Don't expect something without investing anything. Money is one of the investments you need to make. for your business, but at least you must be able to cover your expenses while building your business. You also need money to buy products to stock up and other stuff. So, you must at least come up with whatever amount that you have to start a business. |
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
"How to be #1 on Google Adwords and Pay the Least"
"How to be #1 on Google Adwords and Pay the Least"
by: Anik Singal
Whether you're promoting an affiliate program or your own
product, using pay per click traffic is almost necessary.
Wait, let me re-phrase that - pay per click traffic is
almost necessary to TEST. Let's be frank, this form of
traffic does NOT work for all niches and businesses.
Also, succeeding with pay per click traffic is not as easy
as just putting up an ad and sending traffic to your main
There are lots of elements involved such as your ad, your
competition, the landing page, and how much you're paying.
Obviously, to discuss all these elements, we'd need to write
a book - however, this particular article is going to make
you an expert on how to pay less than all your competition
and out rank them at the same
Google has a unique system of ranking their ads that allows
you to be on the top even if you're paying the least per
Just make sure you have the highest click-through rate on
your ad...
There are two main things you need to do to make sure you
can get to the top while paying the
1. Have a killer start - don't be cheap, spend the most in
the beginning.
2. Consistently test your ads to improve your click through
#1 - Killer Start
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they launch a
PPC campaign is that they get cheap in the beginning and try
to start slow.
That's all wrong.
You need to spend the most in the beginning. Go in with a
bang...here are two reasons why.
1. If the strategy just isn't going to work, find out early
and get out - don't waste precious time.
2. More importantly, spend the most on PER click in the
beginning. Why?
If you spend the most on "per click" in the beginning,
that's the only way you can convince Google to put you on
the top. You have no click through record, so you have to
make up for that by spending more.
By spending the most in the beginning, you'll get your ad on
the front page and get quick exposure.
This way you'll quickly build up your click-through record
and can immediately start decreasing your "cost per click"
without losing your spot.
Now, if you had started with a low cost per click, you'd end
up on some page far down, never really get any exposure and
could potentially take weeks/months before you build up
any kind of click through rate.
So, first lesson, start fast - go in with a higher
"per-click" budget. Get in strong and you'll see the best
#2 - Test, Test!
The next best way to increase your ad rankings and decrease
your "per-click" costs is to always test new ads.
Google allows you to run two ads at the same time for the
same keywords, they will automatically rotate your ads, one
after the other.
This way you can slowly tweak the headlines, the ad, the
domain name - everything and find what works best.
Always do this and you'll slowly see your click through
rates increase - as your click through rises, you can
decrease your "cost per click" without losing your spot in
the ad.
So, bottom line, even if you're in a niche with a lot of
competition - you can still dominate.
Go in strong, try to get your ad some quick exposure to
build a clickthrough rate fast. Then, quickly start
decreasing your per click costs.
Just a quick word of caution, if you use this strategy, make
sure to actively monitor your adwords account. ALSO, make
sure you set your daily limit to something you can afford
You'd be surprised how quickly Google can eat up your money!
Alright, now you're equipped with some advanced tips on how
to quickly take over a niche in Google.
If you have any further questions, please contact Anik
Singal at Support@AffiliateClassroom.com.
Get step by step coaching on how to succeed in adwords.
We're looking for a few dedicated students who we can coach
step by step on how to make $100,000+ a year in affiliate
For More information:
"A Web Site a Week"
"A web site a week"
by Phil Wiley, author of Mini site Profits.
For more info see...
The other day someone interested in buying my book
Mini Site Profits wrote and said they could only spare
an hour a day to make money online, and wanted "a return
relatively quickly and without a lot of sweat, blood and
My first thought was to tell them to forget it, so I did.
Making an online income, or rather, building a web business,
requires a lot of hard work. Work and time and energy and
ideas and enthusiasm.
But they persisted (a good sign) so I thought about it
for bit and emailed this to them:
"Ok, it's true that my book gives step by step instructions
on how to build small direct response sites that sell.
But like everything else it takes work.
There's just no way around it. You've got to put time and
effort in.
What I used to do is get up at 4 every morning to get
stuff done before my family got up. It knackered me, of
course, but I did it for a year and achieved a lot.
Anyhow, I reckon you could probably build a mini site
a week by spending around 1 hour a day on it. That's 7 hours.
But you've got to work hard. Not get distracted.
Here's a very simplified look at how to do it.
Monday - you could spend an hour researching what to build
site about.
One of the best ways to do this is take a good hard look
at what people are searching for. Different things are hot at
different times. Right now you might want to look at selling a
season-related product. Computer gear and software is always
hot. So are USB Pen Drives (I've got one, they're great for
moving stuff between computers, mini disc and mp3 players, and
other small electrical items).
You need to find a desirable online product to promote. A
little research will go along way here. In many cases it will
tell you exactly what you should be selling online.
Tuesday - Visit Overture to see what people are willing to
pay for high rankings on your chosen search terms. If people
are paying for a high position they're probably making money
from it. Taking USB Pen Drives as an example, discover that
23 cents will get you top spot in Overture and 5 cents will
get you 8th spot. See... http://www.overture.com
Wednesday - you spend an hour looking for a good affiliate
program to promote from your site. One that ties directly in
with the hot keywords you've chosen. A good place to start is
Allan Gardyne's http://www.associateprograms.com another is
Commission Junction at http://www.cj.com
Thursday - check out the opposition. Take a look at lots
of other sites selling the product you want to promote and
work out how they're doing it. Which site are you likely to
buy from? And why?
Start gathering material/info you can use for content on
your site. Don't just "borrow" writing that someone else has
done. There are plenty of free article resources on the net,
but preferably write some of your own material too.
Friday - Look up available domain names, and ideas for domain
names by using Name Boy http://www.nameboy.com which lets you
enter your chosen keywords. Register the name you choose with
Name Boy or your favorite domain registrar. I usually use
http://www.godaddy.com or http://www.namebargain.com
Get your web site hosted. My book Mini Site Profits lists
a number of reliable web hosts which only charge $1 a month.
Saturday - build your web site. Make it at least a couple
of pages, but for the best search engine results put together
a site of 5-8 pages. Make sure the site "presells". Don't use
hard sale copy. Just get people interested so that they click
through to the merchant site in a buying mood.
Sunday - Go through your site again to check for mistakes.
Make sure the links work, especially the ones to the
affiliate program you've chosen to promote. Upload it to
your new web host.
Then spend the rest of your hour buying slots in the pay-
per-click search engines. ( The very best place to decide
which one's to use is http://www.payperclicksearchengines.com
which lists 380 of them and reviews the best) and also take
a good, hard look at using Google Adwords.
Finally, when you have time, submit your new site to the
top search engines. Your mini site is not likely to rank well
unless you've taken a lot of care over the content - stayed
on topic, keyword density, etc - but if you build a number
of mini sites covering the same niche from different angles,
and link them all together, you're likely to rank
a lot higher.
I go into all this in great detail in Mini site Profits,
of course."
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