A healthy diet and exercise are crucial for our general health and well-being. Current data supports previous findings that inappropriate diets cause around one-third of all cancer deaths. There are also well-proved estimates that a balanced diet, together with the maintenance of physical activity and appropriate body mass can in time reduce cancer incidence by 30 to 40 per cent. A balanced diet coupled with a healthy lifestyle is the key to preventing chronic diseases, including cancer.
According to the Asian Food Pyramid and recent nutrition-related research, the following are recommended:
Two-thirds of your daily meal should come from plant sources.
Choose whole grain products over white flour products, because the former contains a higher amount of dietary fibre, vitamins and iron.
Reduce your meat consumption, especially red meat, innards and sausages
Try to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
Watch out for fat and lower your daily fat intake, especially of animal fat
Watch out for sugar and try to reduce your sugar intake
Reduce your salt intake
Don't forget to drink enough (at least 1.5 liters daily), prefer water and fruit juices without added sugar
Avoid alcohol
Further Recommendations
Besides these aspects make sure that your food is fresh and free from contaminants. There is evidence that aflatoxin, a mycotoxin, causes cancer of the liver. This toxin is found in fungus that grows on peanuts that are not stored properly. So before eating check for fungus or moulds and if you have discovered something suspicious, throw the whole food away!
Furthermore, prepare your food with care! Cooking food in a direct flame could produce cancer-causing compounds on the surface of the foods. Do not overcook meat and fish so that it's burnt at the edges. This may increase the risk of cancers of the colon and rectum. Smoked foods present a similar problem since the smoking process produces nitrites, which could be transformed to carcinogens in the stomach.
Cook your food without much water! Boiling in much water is besides high heat and exposure to air on of the greatest robbers of nutrients!
reference: http://www.facebook.com/l/53857P_5VfsoBXz-y4jCh7ezBxw;www.makna.org.my
Cancer Deaths
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Nine Common Objections You Must Answer
By: Brian Tracy
Unspoken Objections
The first type of objection you will get is an unspoken objection. The customer has concerns with you offering but doesn't tell you anything. The solution to unspoken objections is to let the prospect talk more. Ask open-ended questions, lean forward, and listen intently to the answers. The more a prospect has an opportunity to answer your questions; the more likely it is that she will tell you exactly what might be holding her back from buying.
Excuses, Excuses
The second form of objections is excuses. These are usually instinctive reactions to any sales approach. Excuses are not really serious. The best salespeople nod, smile, agree, and then ask a question to take control of the conversation. The very best way to handle any initial sales resistance, including excuses and impulse responses is with these words: "That's all right. Most people in your situation felt the same way when I first called on them. But now they have become our best customers, and they recommend us to their friends and family."
Malicious Objections
Then there are malicious objections. Because you call on many different people, you will occasionally call on individuals who are unhappy or angry about their current situations. Since they cannot shout at their bosses or spouses, they take it out on the friendly salesperson. These people tend to be negative in their demeanor and behavior. The way to deal with malicious objections is to realize that you are not the target. Your job, as a professional, is to remain calm, confident, positive, and polite throughout.
Request For Information
The fourth most common objection is a request for information. This is the best type of objection for you to hear, because you know how to answer this as well or better than any other part of your presentation. Whenever a prospect asks for information about the results or benefits of your product or service, you are moving into an excellent field position to make a sale.
Show—Off Objections
Another type of objection is the show-off objection. Sometimes prospects try to show you how much they already know about your product or service. They make sophisticated observations or ask you complex questions about your product, service or industry. When this happens, respond by taking the low road. Show how impressed you are by how much the prospect already knows. Remember, when you make a prospect feel important by listening to him with rapt attention, he is much more likely to warm up and buy from you.
Subjective Objections
The sixth most common type of objection is subjective or personal objections. These objections are aimed to you as a person. Whenever a prospect becomes critical of you, it could be a sign that you are talking too much about yourself. If this happens, it is important to make the customer the center of attention, and the subjective objections will stop.
Objective Objections
You may also hear the objective or factual objection. These are directed at your product offering and the claims that you make in terms of what it will do for the customer. If you can answer an objective objection, you can often close the sale.
General Sales Resistance
The eighth most common form of objection is what we have called general sales resistance. This always occurs at the beginning of a presentation. Until you neutralize this general sales resistance, the customer will be listening to you with a closed mind. When the prospect relaxes and gives you permission to ask him questions, you immediately begin your pre-selected open-ended questions to qualify the prospect and find out what he really needs that you can provide for him.
Last Ditch Objections
The final most-common objection is called the last-ditch objection. You have made your presentation, and the prospect clearly sees how she would be better off with your product or service. She knows and understands what you're selling and how much you're asking. She is on the verge of making a buying decision, but she still hesitates. Listen with respect to your final objections; then assure the prospect that yours is an excellent product or service, at a good price, and that everyone else who is using it today is very happy with their decision. You have then overcome the last-ditch objection.
Action Exercises
Hear the prospect out completely each time he objects or asks a question, practice all your listening skills.
Building Customer Loyalty
Unspoken Objections
The first type of objection you will get is an unspoken objection. The customer has concerns with you offering but doesn't tell you anything. The solution to unspoken objections is to let the prospect talk more. Ask open-ended questions, lean forward, and listen intently to the answers. The more a prospect has an opportunity to answer your questions; the more likely it is that she will tell you exactly what might be holding her back from buying.
Excuses, Excuses
The second form of objections is excuses. These are usually instinctive reactions to any sales approach. Excuses are not really serious. The best salespeople nod, smile, agree, and then ask a question to take control of the conversation. The very best way to handle any initial sales resistance, including excuses and impulse responses is with these words: "That's all right. Most people in your situation felt the same way when I first called on them. But now they have become our best customers, and they recommend us to their friends and family."
Malicious Objections
Then there are malicious objections. Because you call on many different people, you will occasionally call on individuals who are unhappy or angry about their current situations. Since they cannot shout at their bosses or spouses, they take it out on the friendly salesperson. These people tend to be negative in their demeanor and behavior. The way to deal with malicious objections is to realize that you are not the target. Your job, as a professional, is to remain calm, confident, positive, and polite throughout.
Request For Information
The fourth most common objection is a request for information. This is the best type of objection for you to hear, because you know how to answer this as well or better than any other part of your presentation. Whenever a prospect asks for information about the results or benefits of your product or service, you are moving into an excellent field position to make a sale.
"Master the Art and Psychology Being a great salesperson is a learned talent and ability. Being able to sell effectively and close the deal every time is an acquired skill. Selling is an inner game; it's a psychology that you must master to succeed as sales professional. of Selling!" Now you can master this trade and become the best salesperson in your field. Learn how to read your customers and sell strategically to them based on their specific needs. Learn how to close the sale... every time. Learn more here. |
Show—Off Objections
Another type of objection is the show-off objection. Sometimes prospects try to show you how much they already know about your product or service. They make sophisticated observations or ask you complex questions about your product, service or industry. When this happens, respond by taking the low road. Show how impressed you are by how much the prospect already knows. Remember, when you make a prospect feel important by listening to him with rapt attention, he is much more likely to warm up and buy from you.
Subjective Objections
The sixth most common type of objection is subjective or personal objections. These objections are aimed to you as a person. Whenever a prospect becomes critical of you, it could be a sign that you are talking too much about yourself. If this happens, it is important to make the customer the center of attention, and the subjective objections will stop.
Objective Objections
You may also hear the objective or factual objection. These are directed at your product offering and the claims that you make in terms of what it will do for the customer. If you can answer an objective objection, you can often close the sale.
General Sales Resistance
The eighth most common form of objection is what we have called general sales resistance. This always occurs at the beginning of a presentation. Until you neutralize this general sales resistance, the customer will be listening to you with a closed mind. When the prospect relaxes and gives you permission to ask him questions, you immediately begin your pre-selected open-ended questions to qualify the prospect and find out what he really needs that you can provide for him.
Last Ditch Objections
The final most-common objection is called the last-ditch objection. You have made your presentation, and the prospect clearly sees how she would be better off with your product or service. She knows and understands what you're selling and how much you're asking. She is on the verge of making a buying decision, but she still hesitates. Listen with respect to your final objections; then assure the prospect that yours is an excellent product or service, at a good price, and that everyone else who is using it today is very happy with their decision. You have then overcome the last-ditch objection.
Action Exercises
Hear the prospect out completely each time he objects or asks a question, practice all your listening skills.
"Get More Prospects, Close More Sales, and Make More Money Now" Now you can double, triple, or even reach 100 percent on your closing rate.The information you'll learn in High Performance Selling is the same material taught in one of my seminars—A seminar that costs $10,000 and takes 7 days to attend. Invest in yourself today. Learn more here... |
Building Customer Loyalty
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Analyze Your Competition
By: Brian Tracy
There is a military adage that says, "No strategy ever survives first contact with the enemy." No business strategy ever survives the first contact with the marketplace either. It must be adjusted to deal with the realities of the moment.
Know Your Enemy
Here is a question for you: Who is your competition? Exactly? Your choice of competitor determines almost everything you do in your market, just as the choice of an adversary determines everything a general does in the process of conducting military operations.
Determine Customers' Buying Motives
Once you have determined why it is that people buy from you, you must then answer the question "Why do people buy from my competitors? What value or benefits are your potential customers convinced they receive when buying from your competitor rather than from you?"
"Learn how to build loyal customers who buy from you over and over—and tell their friends!" A satisfied customer is 10x easier to sell to than a new customer. A referral from a satisfied customer is 15x easier to sell to than a cold call.Now you can develop a customer service strategy that will get people to buy from you over and over again, increasing your sales, income and profitability. Learn more here >> |
Marketing Myopia Many people dismiss or ignore their major competitors. They criticize or belittle them when their names come up. Often they think and say that customers who prefer competitive offerings are simply ignorant or misled. As a result of this self-inflicted myopia, they fail to observe and learn how to outdo their competitors in tough markets.
Offset Competitors' Advantages As you study your competitors, look for ways to offset or neutralize the advantages their customers perceive them to have. What are your competitors' weaknesses? How can you exploit those weaknesses? What do you do better than they do? In what ways are your products or services superior to their offerings? In what areas do you have a distinct advantage over your competitors? What can you do to offset your competitors' strengths and maximize your own advantages? How can you better position yourself against your competitors in a tough market?
You Must Be Clear The greater clarity you develop with regard to your competitors' strengths and weaknesses and to the reasons your potential customers buy from them, the better able you will be to counter them and compete effectively. Rigorous competitive analysis can be a vital key to business success. In its absence, you will always be at a disadvantage.
Action Exercises
- Who is your competition with the exact customers you are trying to attract?
- What would happen if you changed your offerings in such a way that you targeted a different group of customers who would be easier to sell to?
- Why do your potential customers buy from your competitors? What advantages do they perceive?
- What are your competitors' unique selling propositions? What special feature or benefit do their products or services have that yours does not?
- In what ways are you superior to your competitors? What can you offer that they cannot? How can you emphasize this advantage in your sales and marketing efforts?
- Where are your competitors vulnerable? How could you exploit their vulnerability to your advantage?
- How could you alter your marketing strategy in such a way that you could achieve dominance with a specific customer or market segment in a particular area?
"The art of closing more sales now!" Now you can double, triple, or even reach 100 percent on your closing rate using the finest closing techniques ever devised.When you start using these easy to learn techniques, the customers will buy from you. Sales will be easier and you will make more money. Learn more here >> |
Sales Techniques
Brian Tracy,
marketing strategy
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Problems Can Be Opportunities in Disguise
by Denis Waitley
One of the most desirable attitudes of a leader is an ability to view problems as opportunities and setbacks as temporary inconveniences. This positive attitude also welcomes change as friendly and is not upset by surprises, even negative ones.
How we approach challenges and problems is a crucial aspect of our decision-making process, whether in business or in our personal lives. In companies and environments in which criticism, pessimism, cynicism, and motivation by fear prevail, an attitude develops that leads to avoiding failure at all costs. The trouble with failure avoidance is that it’s simultaneously avoidance of success, which depends on big risks.
Innovation and creativity are impossible when people are in fear of being penalized for failure.
Early experience often teaches that failure is to be avoided at all costs. This begins in childhood, when we encounter the first “No!!” It grows like a weed when we are criticized by our parents, other family members, our teachers, and our peers. It leads to associating ourselves with our mistakes, and to a self-image of clumsiness and awkwardness. Not wanting to be criticized or rejected, many adults also seek security rather than risk looking foolish or appearing awkward. They quietly ride with the system, not rocking the boat.
All lasting success in life is laced with problems and misfortunes which require creativity and innovation. Winners turn stumbling blocks into steppingstones.
In the 1920s, when Ernest Hemingway was working hard to perfect his craft, he lost a suitcase containing all his manuscripts. The devastated Hemingway couldn’t conceive of re-doing his work. He could think only of the months he’d devoted to his arduous writing—and for nothing, he was now convinced.
But when he lamented his loss to poet Ezra Pound, Pound called it a stroke of luck. Pound assured Hemingway that when he rewrote the stories, he would forget the weak parts and only the best material would reappear. Instead of framing the event in disappointment, Pound cast it in the light of opportunity. Hemingway did rewrite the stories, and the rest, as they say, is history.
This week, concentrate on framing your challenges as “opportunities to grow” rather than “disappointments and problems.” —Denis Waitley
Denis Waitley
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